Home » Teen Summer Reading Bingo

Teen Summer Reading Bingo

Submit a book review: www.plnl.org/ book-reviews/ Participate in a summer readign program through Zoom Watch a  video on our facebook page and leave us a comment Watch a movie based on a book you read Read a book about your dream job
Draw and sumit a comic about your 2020 experience so far Read aloud to a younger sibling or relative Read a book published the year your were born Read a book your parent read as a kid. Teach yourself a new dance move
Start a garden Submit a review of a video game you are playing:  www.plnl.org/ book-reviews Handwrite letters to friends and families Stream a movie with Kanopy and submit a review
Participate or organize a neighborhood thrash pick up Redesign the cover of your favorite book to capture
what the story is really about
Choose a fairy tale with an ending that didn’t satisfy you. Rewrite the ending to that fairytale Memorize a poem and share it with someone Make a personal time capsule and bury it
Write your own ghost story Write a haiku where you “imagine your story” Draw a sketch of what your favorite book character looks like. Spend a whole day without watching TV Make a keepsake box of memories