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Library HotSpots



Welcome to our Hotspot lending service. To adhere to the Library’s mission to make information accessible to everyone, the Public Library of New London has 9 broadband mobile hotspots available for loan. You may borrow the device to access the Internet for free at your home, in your car, or anywhere else!

Read through the below information and the PLNL Hotspot Agreement first.

The check-out limit is one device per household at any one time.

When you come to the Library to check out the device, you will be asked to complete the PLNL Hotspot Agreement, acknowledging financial responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged equipment.

Who can borrow a library hotspot?
* A Library cardholder 18 years and older.
* Patron must be in good standing (i.e. library account is not blocked due to unpaid fees or lost materials).
* Patron must provide a current state photo ID or Driver’s License to validate against patron record.
* The library reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who abuses equipment or is repeatedly late in returning materials.

How do I use the hotspot?
Click here for instructions on how to use your hotspot.

Where do I return the hotspot when I am done?
The hotspot cannot be placed in the book drops and must be returned to the Circulation desk at least one hour before closing.   A designated staff person will do a visual check to ensure that the device and accessories are returned in good condition.

How long can I keep the hotspot?
You can keep it for 7 days.

Can I renew my hotspot?
No. You are not allowed to renew items.

What are late return fines?
Fines are $10 a day for up to $120.

What happens if I lose it?
The cardholder will be charged for any hotspot or accessory not returned to the library or returned damaged.
The replacement Cost is $120.

Note: If the hotspot is not returned to the library when it is due, wireless service will be disconnected and the hotspot will be unusable. International roaming is not available on Library hotspots.