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Technology Workshop Notes

Creating an Email Account Prep Sheet March 27 (PDF Version)



Please make sure you bring this completed packet in with you to the

Email Workshop on Monday, March 27 at 1:00 PM.

This packet is designed to help spend some time considering the possible

email account  types, email account addresses, and passwords that you

would like to use for a successful experience.

These are the more common types of email accounts:

Gmail         Yahoo      AOL      Outlook      Mail


  1. Take a moment to search the desirable email account types to see if the layout and compatibility features are a good fit for you. Do not create a new account yet, just look over the site and layout. You may also ask friends about their experience with particular types of emails.


  1. Next, jot down some email address names you would like to use.


Email names



Examples: janedoe@mail.com, jane.doe@mail.com, j.doe@mail.com

If the names you want are not available, consider some number combinations that you would like to add to it to make it unique. Ex. Janedoe2012@mail.com (Year she started her business)


  1. Creating a Secure Password – Something unique that cannot be easily guessed and that you will remember. Please write this Password on a small note and place it in a safe place like your wallet.

Example: P@ssw0rd1


Qualities of a secure Password:


  • 8-15 characters long
  • Contain one capitol and one lowercase
  • Contain one symbol ( @  !   #   $   %   ^   &   *   -etc.)
  • Contain one number



Another secure option is to use a Passphrase.


Example: LordandTaylor


(Use no spaces and you may incorporate numbers and symbols as well.)

**Please discretely bring your password to class. **

Once you have completed this packet, you will be ready to create an email with us on Monday, March 27 at 1:00 PM. See you soon!