Homework & College Links

College Links


Teen Ink College Directory

Link to a list of Colleges and Universities compiled by Teen Ink Magazine

Online Degrees in CT

Link to a list of online degrees in Connecticut.

College Board

The College Board is driven by a single goal — to ensure that every student has the opportunity to prepare for, enroll in, and graduate from college


SAT information and registration.  Also, practice tests and request your scores.


ACT information and registration


Student Financial Aid Information



Homework Help

Researchitct.org Databases

Need help with a research project?  Looking for information for homework.  These links will help you.  If there is a topic you need that is not available on this page, iConn.org has many more resources.

Click on these links for other topics


Biography Reference Center will help you find information on any public or political figure.  You can search by name, occupation, nationality, birth place and place of death.  They have over one million biographical entries!  You will be able to see pictures, videos and periodicals.

Science Reference Center will help you find information for assignments and projects. It provides detailed information on popular subjects; from earth science and life science, to space, technology, mathematics and science history and biography. You will be able to see pictures, videos, periodicals and experiments.

History Reference Center will help you find information for assignments and projects.  It provides detailed information on different topics, from World History to U.S. History.


The Public Library of New London has reference materials you can borrow with your library card.

To see if the book is available through our LION system (a group of libraries across Connecticut), check out our catalog.

If you need help requesting a book, call the library at 860-447-1411