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Teen Activity and Teen Reading Room Policy


Teen Activity and Teen Reading Room Policy

The Teen Activity Room is located in the lower level of the Library and has a capacity of 20 people. The Teen Reading Room on the main floor has 4 computers for teen use and the Young Adult collection.


Policy Statement

The Public Library of New London is committed to providing an inviting and safe space for teenage patrons to engage in individual and group activities. In order to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for reading, learning and other activities, the Library requires teens to comply with Library policies and procedures.

Teens are expected to respect the overall Library environment and may not engage in activities or communications that disrupt other Library users or staff. All other Library policies apply to the Teen Activity and the Teen Reading Room. Violation of the code of conduct may result in termination of Library privileges and or exclusion from the Library.

The Library is not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen or damaged on Library premises.

Who can be in the Teen Activity and the Teen Reading Room?

  1. The Teen Activity and the Teen Reading Room at the Public Library of New London is for middle and high school students in 6th – 12th grade. Patrons may be asked by a staff member what grade they attend.
  2. The Library recognizes that some families homeschool their children. Homeschool students 6th – 12th grade are encouraged to take advantage of the Teen Room for studying, accessing computers and utilizing the collection.
  3. While patrons of all ages are welcome to browse and check out materials from the Teen Reading Room collection on the main floor, the use of computers and other electronic equipment within the Teen Activity and Teen Reading Room are exclusively for the use of the middle and high school students in 6th – 12th grade, under the supervision of the Teen Room Supervisor.
  4. If a child attends 6th -12th grades, parents or caregivers may be in the Teen Reading Room with their child to retrieve materials for research.
  5. The Library reserves the right to utilize the Teen Activity Room for scheduled teen programs, events, and gaming activities.
  6. No tutoring is allowed in the Teen Activity Room. The Adult Reading Room is available for tutoring.
  7. Homeschool groups and teacher/school visits to the Teen Activity Room are by appointment only.

Teen Room Rules 

  • Teens will comply with Library staff instructions.
  • No loud, obscene, or abusive language or gestures, harassment, or threatening behavior will be tolerated.
  • Teens will demonstrate appropriate Library behavior and respect the rights, property, feelings, and opinions of all patrons and staff.
  • Bicycles, skateboard or similar recreation equipment may not be used in the Library or its parking lot. Bicycles should be left in the racks outside the building and skateboards can be held in a designated area in the Teen Activity/Reading Room.
  • Using, possessing, selling, or appearing under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is not allowed.
  • Alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco products, including vaping and electronic cigarettes and other inhalants, are not permitted on Library premises.
  • Littering, damaging, defacing, or misusing any Library materials or property, disabling or unplugging Library equipment, changing hardware or software, or using a Library computer in a manner inconsistent with the customary use, is in violation of Library policy and may result in suspension of Library privileges.
  • Vandalism, theft or damage of Library property or to Library grounds is a legal matter that will result in police notification.
  • Entering or remaining on Library premises after having been notified by an authorized individual not to do so, and entering or remaining on the Library premises during the period in which an individual has been banned from the premises will be considered trespassing.
  • Selling any goods or services; soliciting, petitioning, or canvassing is prohibited.
  • Distributing or displaying pamphlets, surveys, flyers, signs, or posters on Library premises, unless approved in advance by the Library, is not allowed.
  • Restrooms are intended for toilet use and handwashing only. Library materials are not allowed in the restrooms.
  • Eating or drinking in the Teen Room is limited to the areas set aside for these activities.
  • Only service animals as defined under the law are allowed in the Library.
  • Engaging in any activity that violates Library Code of Conduct (found in the Library and on the website at https://plnl.org/code-of-conduct/) is not allowed.
  • Viewing child pornography is illegal and subject to federal and state prosecution.

Teen Computers

The Library recognizes the importance of supporting the educational and recreational needs of teens providing access to computer equipment. Teen computers are available in the Teen Activity Room (lower level) and Teen Reading Room (main Level).

  1. The use of the teen computers is restricted to homeschool, middle and high school students in 6th -12th grade.
  2. No exceptions will be made for library patrons whose age falls outside this range.
  3. Food and beverages are not permitted near computer equipment.
  4. Time on computers is based on availability and Library time limits.


Teens in violation of the Teen Room Policy or the code of conduct and responsibilities will be given a warning. Library staff reserves the right to immediately ask teens in question to leave in cases of extreme behavior or repeated violations of the same policy. Teens who do not comply may lose library privileges.

Children 12 years and older may use the library unaccompanied by an adult. Staff members are not responsible for the monitoring of children, and parents and guardians will be held accountable for the conduct and safety of their children in the library.

According to Connecticut State Law (Connecticut General Statutes, Section 53-21a) , children under the age of 12 may not be left unsupervised in a place of public accommodation. Exceptions may be made during library programs when the presence of an adult is not required, but the person responsible for the child’s supervision must remain in the library building.

Library staff will attempt to locate the parents or guardians of unattended children, ages 12 and under. If parents or guardians cannot be located, staff will attempt to contact parents or guardians by phone. If they cannot be reached or do not arrive within 30 minutes, the New London Police will be contacted to assume responsibility for the children.

Approved by the Library Board of Trustees on February 15, 2022